Klaine: Kicked out

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"Mum, dad- I'm home". Blaine said and threw his keys in the key bowl in the hallway. 

"Blaine, we are in the kitchen". Pam Anderson said. Blaine entered the kitchen and hugged his parents. "Blaine, remember last week when you told us about you seeing someone, we would love to meet her". Damn, his parents were oblivious. "Sure, there's just a tiny little problem". Blaine chuckled. "What's that, son"? Frank Anderson said and padded Blaine's back.

"He's a boy". Blaine said and smiled. "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE". Frank said after a moment of silence. "Frank, dont do this". Pam said choking up. Blaine began to get scared.

"I dont want a Fag son". Frank said and hit Blaine right by the left eye. Blaine fell down on the floor, screaming in pain. "Frank, you're hurting him". "Thats sorta the whole point". Frank said and kept hitting him. "FRANK ALEXANDER ANDERSON, STOP HITTING OUR FUCKING SON". Pam yelled. "I'm smacking some sense into that head of his, clearly all that gel is doing stuff to his head". Frank said and kicked Blaine in the stomach. "Dad, stop". Blaine said choking up.

"What was that, fag boy"? Frank said and hit him one more time. Blaine began crying like he had never cried before. "You have 30 minutes to pack". Frank said and kicked Blaine one more time.

"Starting now". He said and started the timer. Blaine got up to his room, and found all his clothes from his drawers and the closet in the back, and his hair products, and his phone and computer+chargers and last but not least his picture of him and Kurt at junior prom that he had been hiding for his parents under his pillow.

He finished packing all his things and got downstairs, where Frank had opened the door.

"Get the hell out of here, and never come back". Frank said and smacked the door closed.


"Kurt, are you awake"? Blaine asked into the phone. "I'm doing homework, why"? Kurt sounded tired. "I just got kicked out of my home". It hit Kurt, he ran out of his room. "Where are you, honey"? He said as he got downstairs, aware of Burt and Carole looking at him worried.

"Okay, be right there, i'm on my way, love you". "What happened son"? Burt asked.

"Blaine got kicked out from home, and his dad hit him for being gay". Kurt said and got his jacket on. "I have to go pick him up". Kurt said and ran out the house and out on the dark streets of Lima, Ohio. He found Blaine sitting by the pond looking like he had seen a ghost.

"Hey sweetie". Kurt said and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "I hate that asshole". Blaine cried. Kurt rested his forehead on Blaine's shoulder. "How can he just kick me out like that". Blaine cried more. "Come on, we are going to my place". Kurt said and followed Blaine to his car. When they got home, he got supporting hugs from Burt and Carole.

"Tell us everything". Burt said. "They told me they wanted to see the person i was dating, unaware that it was a boy, so when i told them, my dad began hitting me and said that i should get the hell out of there". Blaine said and cried into Kurt's shoulder.

"I'm calling the police". Burt said and took the phone. "Burt, no". Carole shook her head.

"Carole, its the right thing to do". Burt said and dialed 911.  He made Blaine tell the police officer everything. 


The next morning, Kurt and Blaine was watching the news when something surprising came on:

"Local business man Frank A. Anderson was arrested last night, for hitting his 17 year old son who shall remain anonymous, for being gay, tells Lima police officer-"

Blaine turned of the news and sighed. "Its gonna go around". Blaine said worriedly.

"Dont worry babe, we are gonna figure this out". Kurt told him and kissed him sweetly.

"I love you, you're the best boyfriend ever". Blaine said and kissed him more passionated.

"You actually looks kinda hot with those scars". Kurt said and smirked.

"Oh yeah"? Blaine asked. "Mmmm". Kurt mumbled and kissed him again.

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