Fashion Week

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Kurt was all over the place. In less than 12 hours, he and Blaine were flying to Paris for fashion week, and all he could think about, was what if his designs didn't make it in time, and he had to cancel the catwalk. "Babe, everything is gonna be alright. You're awesome, and so is your designs." Blaine reassured him and kissed him passionately. "Thank you, you're a total lifesaver." Kurt said and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine kissed his shoulder.

The next morning, Kurt and Blaine boarded the plane and Kurt could feel his legs shake anxiously. "Babe, everything is gonna be fine. I believe in you." Blaine said and kissed his cheek.

And everything went just alright. The dresses were perfect, the models were happy, and most importantly Kurt was happy. "See, i told you everything were going to be fine." Blaine said as they got back to their hotel room. Kurt didn't answer. He pushed his husband down on the bed and started kissing his heatedly.

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