Klaine: Christmas kiss

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"Looking good you guys". Mr. Schue said and looked at the decorated choir room.

"Thanks, Mr. Schue". Kurt said and sat down next to his boyfriend. "You're amazing". Blaine said and kissed him below the earlobe. "Get a room you two". Santana said and pretended to barf.

"Aww, come on Tana, its adorable". Brittany said. "Like you and Brittany doesn't do that". Finn said, making the glee club break into loud laughter. Santana gave the finger to the taller boy.

Kurt and Blaine continued to make out. "I mean it guys, its gross". Santana continued. The two boys ignored her. "Merry christmas babe". Blaine said as they pulled apart. Kurt was out of breath. "Merry christmas". Kurt said after a couple of seconds. Blaine kissed his cheek.

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