Klaine: The teacher

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"Uncle Kurt, can i talk to you for a second"? Lauren Hudson-Berry said and smiled weakly.

"Sure Lauren". Kurt said and closed his appointment book. "Uncle Kurt, more and more students are dropping out of glee club due to Mr. Smythes horrible lectures and racist comments toward the ethnical students, its rather unbearable being there". Lauren said and sighed. Like her parents Rachel and Finn, Lauren was the leader of the glee club, and Kurt saw so much of his brother and best friend in the young girl that it was crazy. Kurt sighed and rolled his eyes. "Why haven't anyone fired that man yet"? Kurt mumbled and sighed. "Honey, i'll do anything in my power to get glee club back on track, trust me". Kurt said and Lauren smiled at her uncle and godfather.

"Thanks, uncle Kurt". Lauren said and kissed the older mans cheek. Kurt smiled and watched her going back to the choir room. Kurt closed his office door and headed to the teachers lounge.

"Hummel, how the hell can you say to your student, that you want me fired"? Sebastian Smythe, the glee club director and former Warbler said as he passed Kurt's office. 

"She keep telling me that you're a racist, and you teach horribly". Kurt said without looking at the other man.Sebastian rolled his eyes and groaned. "Thats not true". Sebastian said and pushed the other teacher up against the locker. "So, you're saying that my niece are lying and telling all her friends to lie too, i dont think so". Kurt said and  walked away.

He stepped into the teachers lounge, and poured coffee into a cup. He sighed and sat down on the nearest table. "I'm sorry, is this seat taken"? A unfamiliar voice asked. "No, you can sit here if you want". Kurt said and smiled. "Thanks man". The man said and smiled. 

The man began tuning his guitar and played a few tunes. "You're good". Kurt said and smiled.

"Heh, thanks". The man chuckled. "You're the new english teacher, right"? Kurt asked.

"Thats right, my name is Blaine". They shook hands. "Kurt". Kurt said and smiled.

"Do you wanna go watch the glee club practise later, maybe get some inspiration". Kurt asked.

"Sure, i'd love that". Blaine said and smiled. "Cool". Kurt really liked this guy.


"Guys, many of you might have him already, but this is Blaine Anderson, he was interested in watching you guys practise". Kurt said and introduced the glee club.

"Mr Anderson, can you even sing". Another student named Olivia asked.

"I'd give it a try". Blaine said and found his guitar. 

The first tunes of Living la vida loca played and everyone smiled, Kurt included. Everyone, except Sebastian clapped and Blaine bowed.

When the man was finished, Sebastian stepped in front of Kurt.

"You could have consulted me about bringing your love life into the glee club". Sebastian said and hit Kurt hard. "Dude, stop". Blaine said and pushed Sebastian away.

"Thats you, if you try taking over this club, understood". Sebastian said and showed of his fist.

"Dude, you're getting this all wrong, i was not even trying to take over the glee club". Blaine said confused. "Yeah,right". Sebastian said and left. The whole glee club was sitting speechless in their seats. "Uncle Kurt, are you okay"? Lauren asked and helped Kurt up. "Yeah, i'm sorry you had to see that". Kurt said and smiled weakly. "Kurt, we have to get that man fired". Blaine said.

"Let me go tell principal Schuester about it". Lauren said and left.


"Principal Schuester, can i talk to you"? Lauren said and knocked on the glass door.

"Sure, Lauren- have a seat". William said and smiled.

"My uncle got this idea that he would bring Mr. Anderson into see us perform, and when Mr. Smythe saw him perform, he got really mad at Kurt for bringing him in, and then he hit him". Lauren said and took a breath. William was speechless. "Lauren, are you serious about this". He asked the teenager. "Most definitely". Lauren said and smiled weakly. "I have to fire him". William said and called Sebastian. "Yes, Mr. Smythe, can i see you in my office"? Will said and smiled.

"Thanks for telling me Lauren". He said and she left. "You wanted to see me". Sebastian said as he stepped inside the office.


"I'm sorry, about him hitting you". Blaine said as he helped Kurt with the black eye he had gotten. "Its okay, it is not your fault". Kurt said and smiled. 

"So, are you free tonight"? Blaine said and smiled. "Yeah sure". Kurt said excited.

"Then, why dont you come to my place and we can have dinner and watch a few movies". Blaine asked and wiggled his perfect shaped eyebrows. "I'd love that". Kurt said and kissed Blaine sweetly. It quickly turned passionated. "You look kinda hot with that black eye". Blaine said and smirked. "You're getting so lucky tonight". Kurt said and kissed him again.

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