Klaine: Saved

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Kurt was walking home from work, when he fell upon something he couldn't ignore.

"Okay Fag, say your last word". A tall blonde man said and pointed a gun in another mans face. The man fell down on his knees and l t out a loud audible cry. "Say something you motherfucking fag". The blonde man said and almost pulled the trigger.

"HEY". Kurt yelled surprising himself and the man with the gun in his face.
"Another fag". The man said.
"YEAH, EVEN NUMBERS AND ALL". Kurt said and punched the guy in the stomach.
The guy dropped to the ground in pain, and Kurt and the guy who previously had a gun pointed at him ran away.

"Th-Thanks, that was the sweetest thing anyone have ever done for me, how can I make it up to you?". The man said.

"You don't have to, I'm Kurt by the way". Kurt said.

"Blaine, Blaine Anderson". The man politely said and blushed.

"Can I buy you a drink"? Kurt asked.

"That would be nice". Blaine said.

"While we talk, let me offer you some free advice". "Don't walk around New York at 3am". Kurt said with a polite smile and a clap on the back.

"I should say the same to you". Blaine said and chuckled.

"I work until now, I don't choose to walk around the city in the middle of the night". Kurt said and smiled.

"My bad". "Come on, I know a place". Blaine said and began walking.


After 10 minutes, they walked into a bar in Greenwich Village. "Welcome to Anderson's, the gayest bar in NYC": Blaine said.

"This is yours"? Kurt said surprised.

"Yeah, why"? Blaine said.

"No reason". Kurt said and smiled.


After intense dancing up against each other's bodies, the guys made out all the way home in the cab, and it got hotter as they stepped into Kurt's loft and fell down on the bed.

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