Klaine: An Unintended Study Date

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It was a rainy October Thursday, and Blaine and Kurt were reading their respective papers in the study hall of Dalton Academy. Their hands were intertwined under the table so nobody could suspect anything, and Kurt occasionally placed his head on his boyfriends shoulder, where Blaine would kiss his forehead, and whisper sweet nothings in the older boys ear.

"You are beautiful". Blaine said. Kurt had to hide his blushing face, which made Blaine smile brightly. "What, you really are". He continued and kissed Kurt sweetly.

"Is this a unintended study date"? Kurt asked as they broke apart. "Do you want it to be"? Blaine asked and smirked. "Maybe". Kurt said and smiled. "Then yes, yes it is an unintended study date". Blaine said and kissed him again.

"Guys, not to interrupt your little date or whatever, but i'm are sitting right here". Trent said rather umcomfortable. "Sorry, we got a little carried away, i guess". Blaine said and fixed his tie, that Kurt had slowly begun to untie.

"I can see that". Trent said and rolled his eyes.

"Lets go to my house later". Kurt said and kissed his cheek. He got up, put his stuff in his bag and smirked at his boyfriend. "For an intended date". He said, smirked and left the room, leaving the younger Warbler extremely turned on, and Trent extremely umcomfortable.

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