Dear Tracy (Dear Theodosia)

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Dear Theodosia, what to say to you?
You have my eyes
You have your mother's name
When you came into the world, you cried and it broke my heartI'm dedicating every day to you
Domestic life was never quite my style
When you smile, you knock me out, I fall apart
And I thought I was so smart
You will come of age with our young nation
We'll bleed and fight for you, we'll make it right for you
If we lay a strong enough foundation
We'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you
And you'll blow us all away
Someday, someday
Yeah, you'll blow us all away
Someday, someday
Oh Philip, when you smile I am undone
My son
Look at my son
Pride is not the word I'm looking for
There is so much more inside me now
Oh Philip, you outshine the morning sun
My son
When you smile, I fall apart
And I thought I was so smart
My father wasn't around (my father wasn't around)
I swear that
I'll be around for you
I'll do whatever it takesI'll make a million mistakesI'll make the world safe and sound for you
Will come of age with our young nation
We'll bleed and fight for you, we'll make it right for you
If we lay a strong enough foundation
We'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you
And you'll blow us all away
Someday, someday
Yeah, you'll blow us all away
Someday, someday

"That was for you, my darling daughter." Blaine said to his newborn daughter, after finishing a rendition of Hamilton's beautiful duet "Dear Theodosia". She let out an adorable little sound.

"It sure was beautiful." He turned around to see Kurt. "Thanks, baby". Blaine said and kissed his husband. "I think you're beautiful." Blaine said and kissed the crook of his neck.

"What about Tracy? We can't do anything while she is awake." Kurt let out.

"She is asleep". Blaine said and smirked. They ran into their own bedroom.

They fell down on the soft bed, lips glued together in a heated make out session, and clothing were ripped of their bodies. "I'm so happy that she's sleeping right now, i've been wanting to do you for so long." Blaine said and placed a trail of kisses down Kurt's muscular body.

"Well, then do me." And he did.

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