Klaine: Playground Romances

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AN: Daddies! Klaine. Kurt is a single parent, raising his 7 year old daughter Jessica in New York City. One day, Jessica becomes friends with the girl Fransesca, who happens to be the daughter of one Blaine Anderson, who happens to be a single parent too...

"Daddie, can we go to the playground"? Jessica asked with her mouth full of toast.

"If you learn not the speak with food in your mouth, then i'll consider it". Kurt teased.

Jessica swallowed the toast and looked at her dad with a pout. "Please, pretty please". Jessica begged. Kurt finally gave up. "Fine, lets go to the playground". He said and kissed her forehead.

"Yay, you're the best dad ever". Jessica said and hugged Kurt. Kurt laughed.

"Okay, go take your shoes on". Kurt watched her run happily into her room.


Soon Jessica was out playing with some other kids, and Kurt was on a bench observing her while drinking coffee. A brownhaired girl had shown a lot of interest in Jessica, which made Kurt smile. 

"Is that yours"? A unfamiliar voice asked, breaking Kurt away from his father moment.

"Yeah, let me guess, thats yours". Kurt pointed to the girl with the long curly hair.

"Yup, her name's Fransesca". The man said and smiled.

"That's Jessica". Kurt said and smiled.

"I'm Blaine, Blaine Anderson". Blaine said and flashed a cute smile.

"Kurt Hummel". Kurt said and smiled.

"Are you single"? Blaine asked. Kurt nodded into the ground.

"Yeah, my husband died last year". Kurt felt uncomfortable talking about Adams sudden death.

"I'm so sorry about that". Blaine said.

"Its alright, i can talk about it". Kurt said and wiped away a tear from his cheek.

"What about you"? Kurt continued. "Single"? He asked.

"Yeah, my husband left me for his secretary". Blaine said and sighed.

"Jeez, is that true"? Kurt asked.

"Nope, we got a divorce". Blaine laughed. Kurt laughed along with him. They stared into each others eyes for a little while, before their moment was cut short, when Fransesca and Jessica came up to them.

"Can Fransesca come to our place"? Jessica asked with a pout.

"Yeah, sure, unless Blaine have plans, then yeah". Kurt said and smiled.

"I dont, actually". Blaine said and flashed a smile at his daughter.

The girls ran away cheering. "Do you wanna come to my place for dinner"? Kurt asked hopeful.

"Yeah, i'd love that". Blaine said. 


After dinner, the two girls build a fort in front of the tv, where they watched Frozen, while Kurt and Blaine were on the couch talking. The youngsters sang along to the songs, and Kurt and Blaine laughed.

"So, how long have you lived in New York"? Blaine asked.

"5 years, we moved here when Jess was 2 years old, due to Adams work". Kurt said.

There was a moment of silence, before Blained leaned into kiss Kurt passionately.

Kurt broke the kiss after a few seconds, completely chocked. "Wh- Why"? Kurt didn't know what to say. 

"You're really hot". Blaine said a few inches away from Kurt's face. 

"Well in that case". Kurt said and smashed their lips together in a even more passionated kiss.

"Oh- Kurt broke the kiss. "You're also so freaking hot". he whispered and kissed Blaine's neck causing Blaine to moan loudly. Good thing the girls had the volume on max, and couldn't hear anything besides the sounds of "Let It Go". 


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