Carmen Tibideaux Hates Everyone

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"I hate that bitch." Blaine said after his and Rachel's performance.

"Blaine, wait up." Kurt said, following his angry fiancé out of the Nyada performance space.

"She hates literally everything i do, and it makes me question if i even belong here." Blaine said pissed. 

"Of course you belong here, Carmen Tibideaux is just- She hates everyone." Kurt said and wrapped his arms around the younger man's neck. 

Blaine smiled. "But you wanna know who doesn't hate you?" Kurt said and pressed their noses together. "Who's that, Mr. Hummel?" Blaine teasingly asked. 

"Me." He said seductively. Blaine kissed him sweetly, but it quickly turned passionated.

"Maybe we should go back to my place." Kurt said. "I like that idea." Blaine said and followed the older man out of Nyada.

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