I Wish Coming Out Was Easy

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Kurt and Blaine had been secretly hooking up in the choir room every single day before glee club, but both of them wanted more than just sex, they wanted to be in an actual relationship.

The kind where you can kiss in public without the fear of homophobic slurs, and say; "I love you", out loud with pride.  But when the homophobe was your own dad, it wasn't nowhere near easy. 

Frank Anderson had shown his hatred of The Hummel-Hudsons from day one, and when his son had fallen in love with one of them, he hadn't taken it nicely.

Blaine was extremely frightened to lose his love,because it would kill him to not have Kurt by his side.

"I wish coming out was easy". Blaine said and kissed Kurt's bare shoulder.

"I know, and i want to help you every way that i can". Kurt said and kissed him.

"I love you". Blaine said. Kurt's heart sank. He smiled. "I love you too". He said and kissed him sweetly.

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