Acceptance Letters

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Blaine had finally gotten the letter that potentionally could change his entire life; His Nyada Finalist Letter. He knew Sam had a Hunter College interview in New York, so they decided to go together. Most important of all, he was going to see his fiancé, something he seriously craved after almost a month of engagement. Like, really, really, really craved it. 

They landed in JFK Airport after 1 hour and 50 minutes, and got a cab almost immidiately.

"Bushwick, please." Blaine said excitedly. "Sure thing." The driver said and smiled.

Sooner than expected, they arrived at the loft. Blaine slided the door to the side and smiled at Kurt's priceless reaction. "Oh, hi, hi, oh my god." Kurt said and hugged the boys.

Rachel and Santana each hugged the guests.

"What brings you here?" Rachel asked. Blaine flashed the white envelope.

"OH MY GOD, YOU'RE A FINALIST." Kurt said and kissed him passionately.

"I got one too, from Hunter College." Sam said. Blaine and Kurt was lost in each other, but Rachel and Santana hugged the excited blonde. 

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