Klaine: If Blaine sneaked out of detention, to go to to see the love of his life

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"You can take away one chair, cause Blaine is not coming". Kurt said disappointed and sat down.

"Yes, i am". Blaine said. Kurt couldn't believe his fiancee sometimes.

"But you said"- Kurt stuttered adorably. "I know, i just love you, and rather being with you and facing detention the whole year, than staying away, making you feel bad". Blaine leaned into kiss him. 

"Guys, not to interrupt but i think you should check this out". Rachel said and Kurt broke the kiss.

No one was in the audience, except an old man with a Angela Lansbury dvd box.

"No one came". Kurt said. 

"Honey, dont worry, at least i came right". Blaine said and kissed his forehead. 

"Yeah, you're right". Kurt said and took a deep breath.

"Lets go perform". Kurt said. "Can i join you"? Blaine said.

"Sure, more the merrier". Kurt said happily and kissed him happily.

"But you dont know the song". Elliot said and looked at Blaine with a grin.

"I'm sure i can follow you guys". Blaine said like it was the most obvious thing ever.


Blaine was right, he killed the show, even though only one came.

But Blaine and Kurt celebrated later that night, until the sun rose over the New York skyline.

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