CrissColfer: Guys night out (pt. 2)

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"What just happened"? Chris asked looking around the room, where all their discarded clothes from the night before lay on the floor. "I think we just had... sex". Darren said and sighed. "No shit sherlock". Chris mumbled and chuckled. Darren pulled him in for a kiss.

Chris giggled against his lips. "Damn, your kisses are everything". Chris said and kissed him back. "So, Mr. Colfer, what is your plans for today"? Darren asked and smirked. "Oh, i dont know, maybe spending time with this guy i know, who have the most amazing curls in the world". Chris said and kissed Darren's hair. "Sounds like someone i know". Darren said pulling him in for a passionated kiss. Their tongues intertwined with each other perfectly. "Okay, i have to pee, but when i'm back, you're getting the big package". Darren winked and left to go to the bathroom.

Chris just lay there, smiling widely. When Darren got back, he grabbed a condom from the drawer and lay down on top of Chris who just giggled. They started out making out, and proceeded to making love. "Oh, god you're so hot". Chris said out loud and moaned.

Darren had begun kissing Chris neck and leaving big purple hickeys all way down his neck.

"You know your way around a neck, huh". Chris said. Darren wiggled his eyebrows and kissed Chris stomach and then his cock. "FUCK, THAT FEELS GOOD". Chris said loudly and screamed in pleasure. Their was a ring coming from the door. "Excuse me". Chris said and found his robe.

A little later he got back, with a package under his arm. "Look at this". Chris said and smirked.

"What is it"? Darren asked. "Its a copy of my movie, struck by lightning". Chris said and smiled brightly. "You're cute when you're excited". Darren said and kissed him sweetly.

"Do you wanna watch it"? Chris said and smiled. "Sure, i thought you'd never ask". Darren said and kissed his boyfriend sweetly. 

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