Back In Your Arms

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Kurt was practising his grand-pliés, when Adam, his boyfriend of three years entered the room.

"Can i ask you a question?" He asked, sounding almost afraid. "Sure, what's up?" Kurt asked.

"I'm just a consolation prize to you, aren't i?" Adam asked. "What makes you think that?" Kurt asked.

"Everytime he enters the room, your face lights up like a christmas tree, but when i enter, you look down at your shoes, disappointed that it wasn't him." Adam said.

"I miss him, yes. But he's the past. You're my present, and i like you Adam." Kurt said.

"But you don't love me, don't you? It's fine, go find him. I'll be fine." Adam said and kissed his cheek. 


After waiting an hour, Blaine finally arrived. "Kurt, hi. What are you doing here? How did you get in? Wait, am i dreaming? Are you really here?" Blaine asked. 

"Sam let me in." Kurt said and chuckled. 

"Is anything okay? Is it Burt, is his heart okay?" Kurt loved how considerate he was about his family. "My dad's fine. I just came to say, that i love you." Kurt said.

"I love you too, so so so much." Blaine said and hugged him. Kurt let their lips mash together, and they spend hours on the couch, catching up properly. 

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