Klaine: I Run To You

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Blaine and Dave pulled into Daves parents parking lot. Paul and Nancy Karofsky were having a dinner for the new couple, but Blaine didn't feel great, actually he felt quite awful.

"Is something wrong babe"? Dave asked. Blaine cringed. When Kurt called him babe, it was nice and romantic, but when Dave did it, it felt awkward and weird.

"Yeah, just tired". Blaine was still in love with Kurt. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel was his soulmate.

"Oh, alright". Dave kissed his cheek. It felt gross and sloppy.

Dave opened the door to the house and was greeted by Paul and a dog.

"Hi dad". Dave said and hugged Paul. "Bubbles". He cuddled the dog.

"You must be Blaine". Paul said and shook Blaines hand.

"I am". Blaine faked a smile. "Welcome". Paul smiled.

"Dave is that you"? Nancy asked from the kitchen. "Hi mom". Dave said.

"Peel the potatoes". Nancy said rather coldly. "And you, well help him". Nancy pointed at the kitchen. Nancy had been like that ever since Dave came out, and it never got any better.

"Okay". Blaine politely said, despite the harsh tone from Nancy.

Blaines phone beeped. It was a text from Kurt:

Sorry about what happened at Scandals, feeling awful:)- K

That made Blaine smile. He texted him back:

Thats alright, dont be so harsh on yourself❤️- B

Blaine didn't regret sending that heart, he truly did mean it.

"Dave, i'm sorry, i have to go, my mom is sick and she needs me". Blaine said, planning to run over to Kurts house to confess his true feelings.

"I'm sorry, i'll wish her the best". Dave said oblivious to Blaine's terrible lying skills.

He ran out of the house, and found himself outside Kurts house 10 minutes later.

He knocked and Kurt opened quickly.

"Blaine, what are you"- He was cut of by a kiss from the younger man.

"What made you change your mind". Kurt said out of breath.

"Everything that happened over these last couple of days, have told me to go get you, so here i am". Blaine said and kissed him sweetly.

"Hey buddy, i see you guys are back". Burt laughed. "Hey man". Blaine hugged him.

"Yes dad, we are back together". Kurt said. "Well i'm glad, dinner will be ready in 10, are you staying for that". Burt asked. "Yeah, i am". Blaine said and looked lovingly at the love of his life.

The true love of his life.

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