Klaine: The surprise

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Kurt was excited. Blaine was coming home from Italy today, and he had texted that he had a special surprise for his husband. "So Tracy, are you excited to see dada"? Kurt asked his 2 year old. Tracy giggled and motioned that she wanted to be picked up in Kurt's arms.

Kurt kissed her tiny little brunette head and chuckled. "Me too". Kurt said and smiled.


JFK was surprisingly less crowded than usual. Kurt and Tracy stood in the small crowd of waiting people, when they spotted the gel haired man, with the golden eyes and adorable bowties.

"Papa". Tracy said excited. Blaine ran over to his family. "I've missed you too so much". Blaine said and kissed Kurt sweetly, and then kissed Tracy's forehead. "How was Italy"? Kurt asked and took one of Blaine's bags. "Amazing, my brothers house is incredible, i need to take you sometimes". Blaine chuckled. Kurt smiled. "Sounds good to me". Kurt said and smirked.

"What about you Trace, have you been good to daddy while i was gone"? Blaine asked and smiled. Tracy nodded vigoresly. Blaine smiled. "Good girl". He kissed her forehead.

"Shall we go home"? Kurt asked. "Yeah, i need a nap". Blaine said. "Care if i join"? Kurt whispered and smirked. "I thought i made the invitation was obvious". Blaine teased and smirked. "Thats what i thought". Kurt said and kissed him quick but passionated. 

"Oh, also- you texted me and said you had a special surprise". Kurt said as they broke apart.

"Okay, i.. just got nominated for a Tony Award". Blaine said and smiled widely.

"Honey, that is FANTASTIC news". Kurt said and hugged him. "I got the call while i was away, i was so happy". Blaine said. "I'm so proud of you". Kurt said and smiled widely.


When they got home, Tracy was put down for her afternoon nap, so Kurt and Blaine cuddled up in bed, Blaine being the big spoon and Kurt being the little. "I've missed just laying like this". Kurt said and smiled. "Me too, its one of my favorite things in the entire world". Blaine admitted and kissed Kurt's neck. Kurt moaned with pleasure. Blaine began humming Take my breath away into Kurt's ear. "You take my breath away, every second, every day". Blaine said and kissed Kurt's shoulder. "I love you, so much". Kurt said and kissed him passionately.

They made out for about an hour, before things heated up and clothes were removed.

"Do we have any condoms"? Blaine asked out of breath. Kurt pulled the deskdrawer open and found two condoms. "Here you go". Kurt said and kissed him again. It was great having Blaine home again. 

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