Klaine: Prom AU

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Blaine was dancing with Tina, twirling her around, when he felt a pad on his shoulder.

He turned around to see his fiancé in a gorgeous suit, looking extremely handsome.

"Hey, i can't believe you are here". Blaine said and kissed him.

Kurt happily kissed him back, ignoring the large group of people staring at them.

"I thought you were at work, not able to fly back until next Wednesday". Blaine said.

"I thought so too, but Isabella gave me a much needed work break". Kurt said and smiled.

"So here i am, with my gorgeous fiancé". He continued and kissed him.

"You guys are sickingly sweet, it's gross". Sue said as she approached them.

They broke apart, with grins on their lips. "Wanna go somewhere"? Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded an they ran out of the gym, and inside Blaine's car.

They drove to a deserted parking lot, where Blaine kissed every spot of Kurts body, and the other way around. 

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