After The Kiss [6x08]

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Blaine broke the kiss and they shared a breathless chuckle. Kurt nuzzled his nose against Blaine's neck."Wow. That was..." Blaine tried to find words. "Absolutely incredible." Kurt finished his sentence. "Exactly the words i was looking for." Blaine said and winked.

"Blaine, i'm so sorry." Kurt said after a little time. "About what, baby?"  Blaine asked.

"I should never have broken of our engagement, it was a stupid, idiotic thing to do, and i am more than sorry about it"- Blaine crashed their lips together. "Don't be sorry." He said and kissed him sweetly. 

"Now, why don't you go sit down, and i'll find some wine." Blaine said and kissed Kurt's forehead. Kurt smiled. He couldn't be more in love with Blaine, than he was at this exact moment. Blaine came back with two glasses of rosé and a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries. "When did you make this, i've been with you for 10 minutes."  Kurt asked and giggled. "I had my mom over yesterday, and i had a lot of leftovers". Blaine shrug his shoulders.

"Well, these are the most romantic dessert in the world." Kurt flirtaisiously said and took a bite.

Blaine was extremely turned on by the older man. "God, you're hot." Blaine said and picked up Kurt. He carried him to the bedroom and placed him on the bed. He pulled of both their shirts and crashed their lips together. In that exact moment his phone rang. "Shit." He mumbled.

"Blaine Anderson, speaking." Kurt loved the way he answered a phone call, it was so grown up-ish. When he came back, he let out a sigh. "What's wrong?" Kurt worriedly asked.

"Tina has some kind of emergency that can't wait, and i need to be at McKinley in half an hour." Blaine pulled on his shirt. "Okay, but come back soon." Kurt said and kissed him sweetly.


After two hours of Tina blabbering about her wanting to marry Mike, Blaine returned home to see Kurt half asleep on the bed. "Babe, i'm home." Blaine said and kissed Kurt.

"I've missed you."  Kurt said and smiled. "To be honest, i kinda zoned out after half an hour of listening to Tina. All i could think of, was you." Blaine asmitted and kissed Kurt's knuckle.

Kurt laughed. "I love you." Kurt quietly said and rested his forehead against Blaine's.

"I love you too, so much." Blaine answered.

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