Klaine: Couples costumes

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"Ok, are you ready for us"? Blaine asked from the bedroom.

"Yes, i wanna see my adorable daughter and husband in their costumes". Kurt said and chuckled.

Blaine stepped out of the bedroom, wearing his Captain Hook costume, with Tracy dressed as Tinkerbell on his arm. "Oh my gosh, you look so adorable". Kurt cooed and took Tracy from Blaine. "What about me"? Blaine teased. Kurt kissed him sweetly. "Better". Blaine said and kissed him back. "Ok, let me go get my Peter costume on, and then we can go". Kurt said and got into the bedroom. 

"We are going to be the cutest family at the party". Blaine said and kissed Tracy's cheek.

A couple minutes later, Kurt stepped out dressed as Peter Pan. "Well look at you". Blaine said and kissed his husband. "You're so hot in that outfit". He continued. 

"You're not to bad looking yourself". Kurt leaned forward and captured his husbands lips in a tender kiss. "Hook and Peter kissing, thats something i never thought would happen". Blaine said and kissed Kurt's cheek. Kurt laughed. "Lets go". Kurt said and smiled.


Blaine knocked on Rachel and Jesse's front door. Rachel opened dressed as Olivia from Pop Eye. "Oh my god, it's so good to see you". Rachel kissed the guys cheek and Tracy's forehead.

"There's my beautiful daughter". She said and Tracy smiled. "She've missed you a lot". Kurt said. "Kurt, Blaine, Tracy". Jesse said as he joined them. He was dressed as Pop Eye, with their Daughter Chloe on the arm, dressed as Sweet Pea. "Looks like we both got all out with the family costumes". Jesse continued. They all laughed. "Come inside, everyone's here". Rachel said.

All their friends from Mckinley was there, and a few people from Nyada and Broadway.

"Klaine, my dudes, how are ya"? Puck said. He was dressed in a baywatch costume. 

"We are great, what about you and Quinn". Kurt said. "We are fine as well". Quinn said as she catched up to them. She was dressed in a bathing suit. "Is everyone dressed in couples costumes"? Puck asked. "Apparently a lot of people is". Blaine chuckled.

"Did i just hear Klaine arrive"? Santana asked as she and Brittany catched up to the group.

"That concludes it, everyone is wearing couples costumes". Kurt said noticing the girls wearing Pink Ladies outfits. "Hey". Blaine said and kissed the girls cheeks. 

"Hi Tracy". Brittany said and kissed the girls forehead and cheek. "Bwitanny". Tracy said and let out a giggle. "Thats right Tray, thats aunt Brittany". Blaine said and kissed her forehead.

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