Klaine: A Sexy Weekend

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"How's my gorgeous fiancé"?  Blaine asked Kurt over the phone.

In the upcoming weekend, Blaine was staying at Kurts loft, and both of them were restless and super excited to be with each other all weekend long.

"Restless, having your amazing lips all over my body, is seriously a musthave right now". Kurt said. Blaine smirked.

"Well, i kinda want your lips all over my body, so why don't we make it a double feature". Blaine said making Kurt extremely turned on. 

"Oh my god Blaine, that made me even more turned on than i already was". Kurt said.

"6 hours until you have my lips all over you". Blaine said, making a few people stare.


6 hours later, Kurt greeted Blaine with a heated kiss in the doorway, making Santana groan.

"DUDES, NOT IN FRONT OF MY SALAD". Santana said. "NO ME GUSTA". She said and left the room.

Blaine carried Kurt inside his bedroom, and threw him down on the bed.

He untied his bowtie and unbuttoned his shirt and began kissing the older mans bare chest.

"Fuck, this is sooo good". Kurt moaned.

"Control your boner, lady hummel, i need to borrow something". Santana said walking in.

Kurt ignored her, and teasingly began sucking the skin of Blaine's neck, making Blaine moan.

"FUCK YOU". Santana said and sprayed some of Kurts expensive hairspray in the air.

Kurt for once ignored her actions, and kissed Blaine heatedly as she walked out.



Saturday morning, Kurt woke up first. When Blaine felt him move, he woke up too.

"Come back to bed, i miss that smoking body". Blaine said sitting up.

"Well, i suppose i can make that work". Kurt said dropping his robe, revealing his tanned muscular body.

Blaine kissed him passionated, sucking his lower lip.

"Better"? Kurt asked out of breath. "Better". Blaine said and rested his head on Kurts chest.

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