Klaine: Come what may

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"Kurt, are you okay"? Adam asked. They were watching Moulin Rouge and the scene where they sang Come what May was playing. "I'm sorry, i need to go to Lima". Kurt said and got up.

He grabbed his bag and the most important things, and ran down the stairs.

He hailed a cab and drove to the airport. He was going to confess his feelings for Blaine.


Blaine had just gotten home from helping Mr. Schue seducing Miss Pillsbury, when the doorbell rang. "KURT". Blaine said excited. "Hi". Kurt said and crashed their lips together.

"Oh my god". Blaine said and kissed him again. "I love you, Blaine Devon Anderson". Kurt said and hugged Blaine. "I love you too, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel". Blaine said and crashed their lips together. They cuddled on the couch all night, until Blaines mother and father came home.

"Are you back together"? Pam asked. "Yes we are". Blaine said. "Oh honey, i'm so happy to hear that". She kissed his cheek and smiled. "Good for you son". Frank said and smiled.

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