Klaine: Bathroom

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AN: Basically inspired by the Nancy/Steve scene in 1x01 of Stranger things, just with Klaine:)

"So, what's the deal with you and Blaine Anderson"? Rachel asked her friend as they entered the school.

"Nothing we're just friends.. Who made out once... or twice". Kurt said and smiled into his locker.

"Twice, oh my gosh". Rachel giggled.

"Shut up, it's not fun". Kurt said and blushed. He noticed a note hanging in the door of his locker.

See ya in the boys bathroom in 5 minutes- Blaine;)

"Just friends, my ass". Rachel said and laughed. Kurt gave her the finger and smiled brightly.

When he reached the boys bathroom, Blaine was standing handsome as ever leaned up against the white wall. "Hi". Kurt said. "Hey". Blaine said and kissed Kurt's cheek.

Kurt waisted no time, leaning in to kiss Blaine passionately. They both laughed against the kiss.

Blaine pushed the older boy up against the wall and began kissing him more heated.

"I really like you, you know". Blaine said and kissed Kurt's neck.

"I like you too". Kurt said and scoffed. "You've always been kinda my biggest crush". he continued.

"I'm flattered". Blaine teased and smirked. "You're cute when you blush". Blaine said.

Kurt laughed. "Thanks" He said and kissed Blaine on the corner of his mouth.

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