Klaine: Someday

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Kurt was laying on the couch, throwing a sock ball up and down, occasionally wiping away a few tears.

Blaine and Sam entered their shared loft, and noticed the depressed man on the couch.

"Hey Kurt, what's the matter"? Blaine asked. Sam left, not wanting to barge in on their conversation.

"Second one this month". Kurt said depressed. "Oh my god, i'm so sorry". Blaine said and sat down next to him. "They are jerks for breaking up with such a fucking awesome person like you". Blaine said.

"Thank you". Kurt said and scoffed a laugh.

"Someday, you'll find a perfect guy, and he will love you unconditionally, just like i do". Blaine said and hugged him.

Kurt knew Blaine was talking about himself, he had to be talking about himself.

"I love you so much, Blaine, thank you". Kurt said and hugged him tighter.

They pulled apart, and Blaine leaned in to kiss him softly.

Kurt broke the kiss, but as both of them couldn't resist the softness of each others lips, they kissed even more passionated the second time.

"You were talking about you, weren't you". Kurt asked.

"I was, i most certainly was". Blaine said. They laughed and kissed again.

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