Klaine: Rachels wedding

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"Daddy, this looks stupid on me". Evan said as he tried to tie his royal blue tie.

Kurt had to hide a laugh when he noticed that the five year old was tying it wrong.

"Here, let me help you". Kurt sat down so he was the same height as his youngest child.

"Well, aren't you guys seights for sore eyes". Blaine said as he entered the bedroom.

"Tell me about it". Kurt said and kissed his husband passionated, completely forgetting the boy he was previously helping.

"Daddies, i'm here". Evan said making a "I'm right here, so the making out has to stop" movement with his arms. "Sorry buddy". Blaine said and kissed his forehead.

"Is Tracy ready"? Kurt asked. "Indeed i am". 10 year old Tracy said entering the room.

"Aww honey, you look beautiful". Kurt said. She was wearing her royal blue flower girl dress, with nude ballerina shoes and a necklace with a red heart pendant.

"Thank you daddy". Tracy said and twirled around. 

"Our kids are beautiful". Blaine said resting his head on his husbands shoulder.

"We did a damn good job". Kurt said. "Language Mr. Hummel-Anderson". Blaine said teasingly.

"Dang good job, sorry". Kurt said and they laughed.


The wedding was being held at Jesse's families beach house in The Hamptons, a larger house with a large garden, where a white tent was sat up.

Inside the tent a priest was standing, and two large rows of chairs was neatly put up with an aisle in between. On each chair, a pink and white flower decoration was hung up on the side with a silver band.

And then there was Jesse. He was sporting a royal blue suit with a white shirt, and black leather loafers.

He was also sporting a white flower in his breast pocket, and his hair was perfectly coifed up.

Kurt and Blaine spotetd Burt and Carole, and the family greeted.

"Grandma, grandpa". Tracy and Evan said in unison.

Burt kissed their foreheads and Carole hugged them all tightly.

"How's my favorite grandkids"? Burt asked.

"Very nice". Evan said politely, making the adults smile at how adult he sounded, despite his young age.

"I think the wedding is about to start". Kurt said, and they all sat down.

Rachel came down the aisle a little later, with Hiram and Leroy on each their side of her.

They were both crying, and Rachel was smiling, but also looking nervous.

They reached the end of the aisle, and Jesse and Rachel smiled at each other.

They shared their vows, and then they shared a sweet kiss.

The ceremony was beautiful, and Jesse danced with Evan and Tracy, making them laugh at his dance moves. Rachel danced with both Kurt and Blaine, and then all couples danced together to "Hello" by Lionel Richie. Evan and Tracy danced together with Mercedes and Sams kids Macie and Jonah. 

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