Klaine: Phone Calls

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AN: This is set after "I do", when Kurt and Blaine began talking to each other every night before going to bed. But what will happen when Adam finds out, and will Kurt finally reveal his true feelings...

"I miss you, so much". Blaine whispered into the phone, about to break down in a heavy sob.

"I miss you too, but you know we can't be together, i'm with Adam". Kurt said. 

"I know, but he doesn't deserve you, i do, we're perfect together, and i was stupid to screw it up". Blaine admitted. Kurt broke down into his pillow.

"I love you". Kurt finally admitted. Blaine smiled brightly into the phone. 

"I love you too". Blaine said. 

Adam entered the room, and Kurt quickly informed Blaine that he had to hang up before Adam got too suspicious. 

"Hi". Kurt said.

"Have you been crying"? Adam asked. "Just an allergic reaction". Kurt lied.

"Bloody hell Kurt, last night you said your contacts were bugging you". Adam said.

Kurt broke down again, wanting Blaines strong arms around him for comfort.

"If you dont tell me the truth, then i've got to end it". Adam said.

"I'm sorry". Kurt whispered and left the apartment.

He booked a flight ticket on his phone, and flew back to Lima.

Blaine were in his house, dancing to some Katy Perry tunes, when the door bell rang.

He opened and found a crying Kurt. "Kurt honey, whats the matter"? Blaine asked and hugged him.

"I still love you". Kurt said and kissed him sweetly. Blaine hugged him tighter, and chuckled.

"I love you too". Blaine said.

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