Klaine: Christmas

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"Daddy". Tracy ran into the room and shook Blaine until he opened his eyes.

"What is it Tracy"? Blaine said and pulled her up on the bed. 

"It's christmas". Tracy had a big smile on her face. "Oh yeah, shall we see if santa was here last night"? Blaine said and picked the young girl up in his arms. "Yay". Tracy said. Blaine chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Whats going on"? Kurt said as he woke up shortly after.

"Santa was here last night". Tracy excitedly said and jumped up and down.

"Oh yeah"?. Kurt said and smiled. "Good morning". Blaine said and kissed his husband sweetly.

"Good Morning". Kurt said and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine kissed his forehead. "Daddies, i got a dollhouse". Tracy said happily.

"That must have been expensive". Kurt said. "So very expensive". Blaine said and chuckled.

Kurt smiled brightly. "Thanks santa". Tracy said and smiled. Kurt and Blaine kissed her cheeks.

"I have a present for daddy". Blaine said and found a large blue box with a gold ribbon.

"Aww honey, you shouldn't have". Kurt opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond pendant. "I love you". Kurt kissed him passionated. "Ewww daddies". Tracy said. Kurt broke the kiss and took Tracy in her arms. He kissed her head and tickled her. She giggled. 

"I might have a present for you too". Kurt said and kissed Blaine quickly on the lips.

Blaine smiled. A bright blue bag with the words "Tiffanys" on it, were carefully placed in Kurt's hands. "Here you go". Kurt said and smiled brightly. Blaine looked happy when the watch Kurt had bought for him, was placed around his wrist. "Thanks babe". Blaine said and kissed him sweetly. "You're welcome". Kurt smiled. "Merry christmas". Kurt said and kissed Tracy on the cheek and Blaine on the lips. "Merry christmas". Blaine said and kissed him sweetly.

"Merry christmas daddies". Tracy said and curled up to Blaine's chest.

"Merry christmas baby". Blaine said and kissed her forehead.

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