Klaine: Trip to nationals

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On May 25th 2012, New Directions were on their way to Chicago for Nationals.

Everyone was sitting in the bus, singing along to the playlist Mr. Schue had made of all kinds of songs, from Lady Gaga to Barbra Streisand to the soundtrack from Singing in the rain.

Kurt and Blaine were sitting in the back,  their foreheads pressed against each other, and kisses were shared. "Get a room". Santana said and finished applying her lipgloss.

They ignored her and continued making out until they were in Chicago four hours later.

"You literally made out for 4 hours". Santana said grossed out. Kurt glared at her.

"Oh, so when you and Britt do it, its fine, but when we do it its gross, you're a hypocrite". Kurt said and laughed. Santana rolled her eyes and smirked.

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