Klaine: Intervention

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Mercedes entered Dalton Academy, with the purpose of talking to Blaine about Kurt and his relationship. She followed a flock of blazer wearing teen boys, all with an insane amount of gel in their hair. And there he was, Blaine Anderson. Mercedes had to admit it, he was hella cute.

"Excuse me, are you Blaine Anderson"? Mercedes knew he was. "Yeah, how can i help you"? He greeted her. 

"I hear you're dating my boo, Kurt Hummel, so i just wanted you to know, that if you harm him in any way, i'll make sure that your life will be nothing but miserable". Mercedes said.

Blaine laughed and smiled at her. "Don't you worry, Mercedes. I love the guy, and he means the world to me, so harming him will be the very last thing i would do". Blaine said and chuckled.

"Good, glad we had this intervention, Anderson". Mercedes said and kissed his cheek, before skipping out of the academy happily.

Blaine had to tell Kurt he loved him, that was just a fact. 

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