Quality Time

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Summary: When Rachel and Santana has another fight, Kurt decides to go to Blaine's apartment to sleep... Warning: Contains smut and explicit language;)

Kurt was yet again, caught in the middle of a Pezberry bitch fight.

The girls were fighting about nothing in particular, which meant they could go all night without concluding who was wrong and right, which meant Kurt didn't want to stay in the apartment.

He decided to go to Blaine's apartment, to surprise his fiancé. And boy was he surprised.

"Kurt, what are you doing here, are you okay?" Blaine asked worriedly. 

Kurt didn't answer verbally, instead he just crashed their lips together in a heated and passionate kiss. "Not that i'm complaining, because i'm definitely not complaining, but what brings you here?" Blaine asked. "The girls are fighting, and i couldn't take one more second of it, so quality time with you was what i was in the mood for."  Kurt smirked.

"Well, i can't say no to that."  Blaine said and kissed him sweetly. "Is Cedes and Sam home?" Kurt asked hoping they wasn't. "No, Cedes is at the studio and Sam is.. i actually have no fucking clue." Blaine chuckled. 

Kurt didn't need more than a simple no, before he pushed the younger man down on the couch and crashed their lips together again. Blaine started removing their clothes, and soon they were completely naked. "Fuck yes, that feels awesome." Blaine moaned as Kurt's lips trailed down his muscular chest. 

They woke up the next morning, and they quickly decided to stay in bed all day.

Spending quality time with each other, was definitely the best part of their weeks.

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