Klaine: Post 5x15

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Kurt lay in the uncomfortable hospital bed,  slightly dizzy from the pain killers he had taken after the bashing. He looked around the room. No one was there. He closed his eyes for a little while, until he felt a kiss on his lips. "Hi". Blaine said and kissed his cheek. 

"Hey". Kurt said and sat up. "How are you feeling"? Blaine asked resting his hand on Kurt's back. "Dizzy". Kurt simply said and smiled weakly. "I did my mid winter critique today". Blaine said and grabbed Kurt's hand. "What did you sing"? Kurt asked. 

"Not while i'm around". Blaine smiled sweetly. "I dedicated it to you". He said and kissed Kurt again. "I'm honoured". Kurt said and rested his head on Blaine's lap. "I wish you could have been there". Blaine said and nuzzled Kurt's neck with his nose. "Yeah, but because i absolutely had to jump into that fight, i'm here, in a hospital bed". Kurt said and smiled weakly. 

"Babe, its not your fault, you did the right thing". Blaine said and kissed his cheek.

"Nothings gonna harm you, not while i'm around". Blaine sang into Kurt's ear.

Kurt pulled him in for a passionated kiss. "I love you". Blaine said. "Like wise". Kurt said and kissed him again.

Klaine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now