Klaine: Sleepover

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Every month, New Directions had a sleepover. Girls (and Kurt) in Kurt's room, reading magazines and watching reality shows all night and the guys in Finn's room, playing endless video games all night.


"So, Kurt, how's your love life"? Santana smirked. Kurt rolled his eyes and glared at the latino.

"Non of your business, Satan". Kurt said. "Oh, come on". Santana said. Kurt sighed.

"Fine, we are getting very dirty". Kurt teased. The girls giggled. "I want Blaine's side of this story". Santana exited the room and came back 5 minutes later with Blaine in tow.

"B, is it true that you and Kurt are getting it on in the dirty kind of way". Santana asked.

"Oh hell yes". Blaine said and kissed Kurt passionately. The girls cheered.

Kurt slipped his tongue into the younger boys mouth. Blaine broke apart. "I have to go back, but i'll see you later". Blaine kissed him sweetly and left.

"Satisfied". Kurt asked Santana. "Oh yes". Santana teased.


Blaine's pov:

"Dude, how are you and my brother"? Finn asked. Blaine smiled a toothy smile.

"Do you really wanna hear the details, man"? Blaine teased. Finn scrunched his nose.

"No, i dont". Finn said. Blaine laughed. "Bro, we are on the same fucking team". Finn said to Puck. "Sorry man". Puck said. "I'm going to talk to Kurt, see ya". Blaine said and left the room.

"Hi". Blaine said as he entered his boyfriends room. "Hello". Kurt said and kissed him.

"Do you wanna sit down". Kurt said and scootched over. Blaine sat down. The other girls were asleep. Blaine began kissing Kurt's neck. "That does feel good". Kurt moaned.

"All right, Klaine is getting it on". Santana woke up suddenly. "Shut up". Kurt teased.

"Never, this is the life". Santana said and found her phone. "Just continue". Santana said and began filming. Kurt let out a sarcastic laugh. Blaine continued kissing the older boys neck.

"This shit is getting an oscar". Santana said and smiled brightly. "If you're uploading this, i will literally kill you". Kurt said while Blaine were kissing his neck passionately. "Too bad, guess i'll start planning my own funeral then". Santana teased. Kurt glared at the girl. Santana let out a laugh. 

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