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Kurt and Blaine were sleeping peacefully, when they were woken up from the sound of their newborn daughter crying.
"You or me?" Blaine asked, still half asleep. Kurt kissed him and got up.
He went into the nursery, where Tracy was laying in her crib crying. "Hi baby, why are you crying?" Kurt asks in a soothing tone.
He carries her into the bed, where Blaine is now fully awake. "Someone missed her papa." Kurt says and lays the crying baby on her father's chest. She immediately stops crying. "How's that possible?" Kurt asks. "How's what possible?" Blaine asks.
"The second I lay her down on your chest, she stopped crying." Kurt says suspiciously. Blaine just smiles at him and kisses his cheek. "She loves you. You're her dada." Blaine tells him. Kurt grabs the sleeping baby, who immediately starts crying. "See what I mean." Kurt says.
"You woke her from her sleep." Blaine jokes. Kurt puts her down on Blaine's chest again and she falls asleep.
"What if she hates me and won't talk to me and you're-" He was cut of by a sweet kiss from his husband.
"I just really love her, that's all." Kurt says.
"And she loves you too." Blaine reassure him. "And so do I." Blaine says. They kiss.
"I love you too." Kurt says and chuckles.
Tracy makes an adorable sound in her sleep making both fathers melt.
"I'm really happy we're getting to do this together." Blaine says.
Kurt smiles. "Couldn't have wished for a better life." Kurt tells him. They kiss again.

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