CrissColfer: Hungover

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It was Saturday afternoon and Chris and Darren was hungover from the previous night.

Lea and Cory had spontaneously decided to throw a "end of the season" party, and both boys had WAAAAAY too much to drink. 

"What time is it"? Darren asked. A pillow rested over his head.

"11:30am". Chris said rubbing his eyes. Darren groaned and rolled over to rest his head on his boyfriends naked chest. Chris kissed his head. "I want Mcdonalds". Darren said after a few minutes of silence. "I dont have the energy to go out after food". Chris groaned.

"Well then, lets order a pizza and stay in watching SNL all day". Darren said and kissed him sweetly. "Sounds like a plan". Chris said and smiled. They shared a sweet kiss before Chris got up to order pizzas. Darren fell down on the bed, watching his half naked boyfriend walk out of the room.

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