Klaine: A night without kids

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Blaine was in his home office, writing ideas down for his next musical when he felt a pair of strong arms around his neck. "Hi". Kurt whispered seductively. He kissed Blaine's neck.

"It has been boring being all alone here, without you to keep me company". Blaine said and kissed Kurt sweetly. "Well, the kids are at Santana and Britts house if you wanna, you know". Kurt said and smirked. "I think that can be arranged". Blaine said and crashed their lips together in a hard, hungry, passionated kiss. It went from a makeout session to hot love making very fast.

"I fucking love you, Blaine Devon Anderson-Hummel". Kurt moaned.

Blaine belted out a laugh. "I love you too, very very much". Blaine said and kissed him sweetly.

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