Klaine And Finchel Goes On A Road Trip

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"Finn, can we stop. I kinda need to pee." Kurt said. "Yeah, i kinda have to go to." Blaine said and smirked. "Oh, sure." Finn said and smiled. Kurt loved how oblivious his brother was at times. 

They stopped at a nearby gas station, and Kurt and Blaine ran into the bathroom.

"Damn, i love how oblivious he is at times." Kurt said and crashed their lips together.

Blaine unbuttoned Kurt's shirt, and sucked the newly exposed skin of his chest. Kurt moaned.

Blaine moved up to his neck and sucked the skin. "I want you in my mouth." Blaine moaned.

Kurt pulled down his pants and boxers at once, and Blaine smirked before leaning down.

"Fuck, you're good." Kurt moaned. 

Meanwhile in the car, Finn and Rachel was waiting impatiently.

"Where the hell are they?". Finn had finally realized something was wrong.

"They are probably just buying some snacks. There's probably a line or something." Rachel said. 

After 5 minutes, the boys returned, laughing. "Where were you?" Finn asked.

"We were just peeing, jeez." Kurt said. "Hi hickey." Finn noticed the bruise on his brothers neck.

"Fuck." Kurt mumbled under his breath.

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