Beginning Of The Journey

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Kurt and Blaine were talking on the couch, when Rachel enters the apartment, drug store bag in hand.

"Okay, before we do this, if there's no kid, don't be mad at me." Rachel takes a deep breath.

"Why would we be mad at you?" Blaine asks. "I don't wanna end up like Mrs. Schuester." Rachel lets out.

"Honey, that psycho lied about carrying his baby, why would that be you?" Kurt said honestly.

"Wait what?" Blaine asked. Rachel and Kurt looked at each other.

"When we were halfway through our first week of glee club, Will found out about his wife's pregnancy, and he nearly quit to become a accountant." Rachel said.

"Turns out, that psycho of a woman turned out to be a big fat liar. She faked it from the beginning." Kurt said.

"Wait, what about Emma?" Blaine still tried to put the puzzle together in his mind.

"He left Terri and ran straight into Emma's arms. Then they broke up because of a stupid misunderstanding." Rachel said.

"Then she got married to this HOT dentist guy named Carl. Then they got an annulment, because Emma was still in love with Will." Kurt said.

"Then they got back together over summer vacation, and the rest is history." Rachel said and grabbed the pregnancy test from the bag.

"Alright, i'm gonna go see if i'm knocked up." Rachel joked. Kurt and Blaine laughed.

A little while later, Rachel stepped out of the bathroom, looking nervous. "Two minutes." She said.

After a long two minutes, the timer finally went off.


"I'm gonna have your baby." She said. Kurt and Blaine hugged her, and then shared a sweet kiss.

"We're gonna be daddies." Blaine said. "Daddies." Kurt said and kissed him again.

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