Klaine: The first date

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"Where do you think you're going"? Burt asked as Kurt entered the living room.

"Blaine and i have our first date tonight". Kurt answered and smiled.

"Oh honey, i'm so happy for you". Carole smiled. Kurt chuckled.

"Where are you going"? Burt asked. "I dont know, he says its a surprise". Kurt said.

"He's probably just taking you to Breadstix". Finn said and laughed.

"You dont know that". Kurt said. Finn smirked and took a sip of his  diet coke.

After a moment of silence, the doorbell rang and Kurt ran out to open.

"Hello". Blaine said and kissed his cheek. Kurt blushed and smiled.

"Where are we going"? Kurt asked hoping to get an answer.

"I cant tell you, that'll ruin the surprise". Blaine smirked.

"HE'S TAKING YOU TO BREADSTIX". Finn yelled from the living room.

"SHUT UP". Kurt yelled back, making Blaine laugh.

"Lets go". Blaine said and opened the door.


Blaine pulled up outside Dalton Academy an hour later.

"Dalton"? Kurt asked. Blaine kissed him sweetly. "Follow me". Blaine said and smiled.

Kurt followed him into his dorm room. "Oh my gosh, this is so perfect". Kurt said and smiled.

"Yeah, i thought dinner and a movie was a perfect first date". Blaine said and opened a bottle of sparkling cider. "Welcome to the best date, you'll ever have". Blaine said and kissed him sweetly before sitting down across the older boy.

 "I had Nick and Jeff decorate my room, so it looked like an italian restaurant". Blaine chuckled. "Well remind me to thank Niff for that, because this is amazing". Kurt said and smiled.

 "Cheers". Blaine held up a champagne flute. Kurt grabbed his and held it up so he could clink the glasses together. 


"I had so much fun tonight, thanks for everything". Kurt said as they reached the Hummel-Hudson household later that night. 

"Everything for you, Kurt". Blaine said and kissed him passionately.

In that excact moment, Finn chose to open the door.

"Oh shit, sorry". Finn said and looked away. Blaine blushed.

Kurt gave him a "YOU RUINED EVERYTHING" kind of look, and Finn laughed.

"I gotta go back, but see ya tomorrow". Blaine said and kissed Kurts cheek before getting to his car. 

"So, did he take you to Breadstix"? Finn asked.

"Shut up". Kurt said and closed the door behind them. Finn laughed.

"No he took me to Dalton, where we ate dinner and watched a movie". Kurt said.

"Sounds cool man, hope you had fun". Finn said and smiled.

"In fact i did, but i'm not sharing the amount of fun i had, with my brother". Kurt said and climbed the stairs, leaving Finn in shock.

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