Klaine: Domestic Cuteness

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Kurt looked outside, where his husband and daughter was playing in the pouring rain.

He was inside, trying to finish the latest design he had been working on

, but he thought a break was much needed, so here he was looking at the people that meant most to him. 

"Dada, come play with us". The voice of the 3 year old toddler filled his ears.

"Not now princess, i have work to do, maybe later". Kurt said, feeling bad that he had to let his daughter down.

Tracy gave him her best puppy dog face, and he chuckled. "Okay, you convinced me". he went inside to grab his raincoat. When he got outside, Tracy jumped into his arms and kissed his nose.

Blaine kissed him sweetly. "I love being domestic with you". He whispered. "I just love you". Kurt said. Blaine kissed his cheek.

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