Klaine: 4th Of July

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"Daddies, can we go see the fireworks"? Tracy asked jumping up and down in excitement.
"Sure honey, but it's gonna be pretty late, so maybe you should take a nap before". Kurt said and placed her on his lap.
"But I'm not tired". The 3 year old said.
"No, but it will help you, so you're not tired when the fireworks are there". Blaine said and smiled at his daughter.
"If I read you a fairytale before, will you then take a nap". Kurt asked.
Tracy made a "I'll think about it" look with her finger on her chin and a pout.
"Sure, I guess I'd like that". Tracy said and ran to her room.
Kurt found a big book of fairytales from the shelf, and sat down next to Tracy.
He read half of Snow White, before Tracy was fast asleep. He exited the room, and sat down with his husband.
"That was quick". Blaine said and smiled.
"Apparently, she was a little tired". Kurt said.
"Well, That gives us time to do this". Blaine said and pushed his husband down on the couch.
They made out for a little while, before Tracy woke up.
"Was it a good nap princess"? Blaine asked.
"It was a very good nap". Tracy said and crawled up on Blaine's nap.
"Are you ready for the fireworks"? Kurt asked.
Tracy nodded vigorously.
At 7:30pm, the family and Rachel and Jesse were gathered at the harbor to see the fireworks.
Blaine had Tracy on his shoulders, so she could see it better.
"Are you ready"? Rachel asked her niece.
"Yaaay". Tracy said.
Then the fireworks went off, and Tracy was very fascinated by the bright lights up on the sky.
"Daddy how can they make all those colors"? Tracy asked Blaine.
"I don't know princess". Blaine said and smiled.
The family happily Went home, and Tracy felt asleep with a Bright smile on her Face.

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