CrissColfer: Guys night out

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"Chris, wait up". Darren says as he sees the younger man on his way to his trailer.

"Whats up, Darren"? Chris asked and hung his messenger bag on his shoulder.

"I would just like to hear if you might wanted to join me for dinner tonight"? Darren asked and smiled. Was he gay, was this his way out of the closet. Chris giggled.

"Sure, i'd love to". Chris said and hugged him. "Just pick me up at 7". Chris said and opened his trailerdoor. "See you later". Chris said and locked the door. Darren couldn't stop smiling, he had a date with Chris Colfer, tonight.


Chris was tying his tie as the doorbell rang. "Well, hello". Darren said and looked down at Chris body. "You look.. amazing". Darren said. "Thanks". Chris said and looked at Darren's body. "You too". Chris said and took his jacket. "Shall we"? Chris asked and Darren nodded.

The restaurant, Darren had chosen was super delicious and had a kinda Breadstix element over it, which made Chris smile. "You come her often"? Chris asked and took a sip of his wine.

"Its a place i've been visiting since forever, i came here for the first time on my 10th birthday, and every birthday after that, i've come to this specific LA restaurant, all the way from San Fransisco". Darren said and took a sip of his wine. "Sounds like this is a special place for you". Chris said and smiled. "Sorta". Darren said and winked. "Well, then i must remember it". Chris said and smirked playfully. 


The drive home was quiet but not in an umcomfortable way, actually it was in a nice and cozy way. Occasional stares was shared, and small smiles. When they reached Chris house, Darren opened the car door for Chris, which made Chris laugh. "You didn't have to, but thanks". Chris said and laughed. "What, i wanted to". Darren smirked. "Tonight was fun". Chris stopped up. "Yeah". Darren said. After comfortable silence, Darren leaned into kiss Chris sweetly.

"Thanks again". Chris said and laughed. "You're welcome". Darren said and they kissed again, this time more heated. They did not remember more from that night, except the next morning they woke up in a bed together, naked...

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