Klaine: A big mistake

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Kurt was pacing the linoleum floors of the church. He was marrying Adam in less than an hour, but something didn't feel right. He had tried to say to himself it was the nervousity kicking in, but it was something else. "Honey, are you alright"? Rachel asked. "Rach, i cant do this, i'm still in love with him". Kurt drank a big gulp of his champagne. "Who"? Rachel confused asked.

"Blaine". Kurt said and took a deep breath. "Oh my god". Rachel said. "What the hell am i doing"? Kurt asked nervously. "You need to do what feels right". Rachel said.

"Then i need to find Blaine, will you break the news that the wedding is of". Kurt said and took his coat. "Honey, are you sure, what if you regr"- She didn't get to finish the sentence. 

"I will not regret it, this is something i need to do". Kurt smiled and exited the church.


He was surprised to find Blaine in the gym boxing. "Kurt, weren't you getting married"? Blaine asked confused looking down at the older mans tuxedo. "I was, but then i realized that i still love you, Blaine Devon Anderson". Kurt said. "Wow". Blaine chuckled. "I'm sorry if it comes as a complete chock, but i needed to admit it". After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Blaine crashed their lips together. They were disturbed by a text noise, coming from Kurt's phone:

Told Adam, expect a angry british coming after you;)

xxx Rachel

Kurt ignored the text and crashed their lips together again. "I've missed doing this with you". Blaine said and kissed him again. "We are at the gym, i'm in a tuxedo, but i really wanna be naked, so lets get out of here". Blaine laughed. "I need a shower". Blaine said. "Care if i join". Kurt asked. "Oh hell yes, you're always welcome". Blaine said and winked. Kurt smirked.

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