Klaine: The Proposal (AU)

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"I knew it". Blaine s;id kissing his boyfriend sweetly. Kurt smiled and let out a l;ugh.

"What Do you know"? He asked intrigued.
"That you and I were soulmates from the day that you stopped me on that staircase". Blaine s;id, pulling out a velvet box from his sock drawer.

"Oh my gosh, Blaine"- Kurt said but he was interrupted by a heated kiss.
"Will you just shut up and except my proposal"? Blaine said and smiled.

Kurt nodded vigorously. Blaine slipped the silver band on his finger, and then they shared the most passionated kiss they had ever shared.

"I fucking love you, Kurt Hummel". Blaine said. "Well, Thatʼs funny, cause I fucking love you too, Blaine Anderson". Kurt said and kissed him sweetly but passionated.

They told Burt and Carole over dinner the following Friday, and they were surprisingly on board with the idea of them getting married at the age of twenty & nineteen.
"My boyʼs getting married". Burt said, tears falling down his cheek.
"Congrats loves". Carole said and kissed their cheeks.

Finn came home from College the next night, and he was so happy on behalf of the couple, that he had to sit down.
"Am I going to be an uncle"? He asked.
Kurt hid a l;ugh by hiding his face in the crook of Blaineʼs neck.
"Not that we are aware of". Blaine said and chuckled. 

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