Klaine: Baby

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"She's absolutely breathtaking". Blaine said and looked down at the beautiful newborn, he held in his arms. Kurt smiled and nodded vigoresly. "She's so yours, look at those big brown eyes". Kurt said and kissed his daughters forehead. "I'm so happy right now". Blaine said and smiled.

"Me too, i have a amazing husband and a beautiful baby daughter". Kurt said and kissed Blaine sweetly on the lips. "I think she's a Tracy". Blaine said and smiled. "Hello, Tracy Anderson-Hummel". Kurt said and waved to his daughter. "It has a nice cling to it". Kurt said.

They laughed. "Knock, knock". A familiar voice said. It was Will, Emma and Danny.

"Congratualations". Will said and hugged the new parents. "Mommy, there's a baby". Danny said to Emma. "Baby, that is Kurt and Blaine's new daughter". Emma explained to her son.

"Where's Rachel"? Will asked. "She's sleeping in another room, she's been in labour for 11 hours, so we gave her permission to take a long nap". Blaine explained and smiled.

"Have you talked names yet"? Emma asked. "Yes, her name is Tracy". Kurt said.

"We figured that out when we started dating". Blaine said. They all laughed. "I cant believe my old students are parents, i feel so old". Will said teary eyed. "Daddy, why are you crying"? Danny asked oblivious. "Papa's just happy". Will explained to his 5 year old son. Danny nodded, still looking oblivious. Kurt smiled. "This is unbelievable". He said and chuckled. "I cant believe, that 10 years ago, i was a bullied miserable outsider with no friends, and then small 10 years later, i have an amazing husband and a amazing daughter". Kurt continued with tear in his eyes. Blaine kissed his cheek and looked down at their baby girl. "Tracy Anderson-Hummel, welcome to the world". Kurt said and kissed the girl's plump cheek. 

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