Klaine: Closing night

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The curtain fell, hiding the cast from the audience. They had just taken their last bow, sung the last notes, danced the last dances. Mckinley highs rendition of West side story was officially over.

"Hey". Blaine said. Kurt turned around to see his boyfriend.

"Hey stranger". Kurt said and kissed the younger boy sweetly. "You were great". Blaine said.

"Not as great as you". Kurt said placing his hand on Blaine's heart. 

"Are you doing anything tonight"? Blaine asked. "Probably hanging out with my perfect boyfriend, why"? Kurt said. Blaine chuckled. "My house is empty again, and i really enjoyed last night". Blaine kissed Kurt's shoulder and neck. "Count me in". Kurt said and kissed Blaine's cheek. "Great". Blaine said seductively and walked away. 


A little later, Kurt pulled up to Blaine's driveway. Blaine sat outside in the lawnchair, smiling as he saw the older boy coming out of his car. "Hi". Kurt said and kissed him. "Lets go inside". Blaine said and lead Kurt inside the house.

"So, since i was topping last night, will you do it tonight"? Blaine asked and smirked.

"It'll be an honour". Kurt said and kissed him passionated. They laughed as they pulled apart for air. "I love you". Blaine said and kissed him sweetly. "Love you too". Kurt said and kissed him back passionately. Blaine picked him up and started to climb the staircase. 

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