CrissColfer: Sick

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"Okay guys, lets take it from the top". Ryan said and clapped his hands together.

Darren coughed and got up, but quickly sat down again. "Are you okay"? Chris asked as he was closest to Darren. "Yeah, just a little dizzy thats all". Darren said and smiled. "Ok". Chris said skeptically but kissed his boyfriend on the forehead. "Honey, you're burning up". Chris said.

"I may have a cold". Darren said and sighed. "Honey, we need to get you to bed". Chris followed him out of the studios. "Why didn't you just tell me, i wouldn't have forced you out of bed this morning if i knew you were sick". Chris said and drove into Darren's driveway.

"I have an important scene, i wouldn't screw it up". Darren said and smiled weakly.

"Trust me babe, stuff like that happens, its not your fault". Chris said and kissed him sweetly.

"I love you". Darren said and smiled. "Love you too". Chris said and kissed his cheek.

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