The Best Kind Of Surprise

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Kurt and Rachel were watching the newest New Girl episode, when Blaine entered with a bag in his hand. "Babe, are you okay?" Kurt worriedly asked his fiancé. Blaine just kissed him sweetly.

"Sam and Mercedes decided to make out in our bedroom, so if I actually wanted to sleep, my best option was here. Hope that's okay with you." Blaine said. "Why wouldn't that be okay?" Kurt said and kissed him again. "Alright guys, i'm gonna go to sleep, talk to you tomorrow." Rachel said and kissed their cheeks, before closing her privacy curtain. Kurt and Blaine looked at each other for a second, before their lips melted together in a perfectly passionate kiss. 

"This is the best kind of surprise." Kurt said and smiled brightly. "Oh it's about to get a lot better." Blaine said and pushed him down on the couch. Kurt did an adorable little sound of surprise, which made Blaine smile. They spend hours on the couch, doing a little more than just making out. "Make sure to remind me to clean the couch, Rachel will hate us if everything happens to it." Blaine groaned. "I'll remind you later, but right now-" He didn't finish, instead he carried Kurt to his bedroom, lips attached. They wiggled out of their respective sets of pajamas and let their bodies melt together. Kurt opens his nightstand drawer, lips still attached to Blaine's, and pulls out a box of condoms and a bottle of lube. They spend hours and hours together, not aware that Rachel had to sleep with earbuds in. They were too lost in each other.

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