Klaine: A night alone

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Kurt was bored. Since he did not have to work that day, he was alone in the loft, but he needed something to get in a good mood.

He found his phone and texted Blaine:

I need you, i'm all alone:( XXX your fiancee;)

Blaine texted him back a few minutes later:

I'll be over in 5 minutes;) XXX Blay Blay

Kurt smiled and threw his phone on the bed. 

After 5 minutes, there was a knock on the door.

"Hi". Blaine said and kissed his fiancee passionately.

"Hello to you too". Kurt said out of breath. 

"I love those lips". Blaine said and kissed him again.

"Alright, i want you naked on the couch in 5 minutes, i have.. something to do". Kurt chuckled.

"Curiosity peaked". Blaine said and began unbuttoning his shirt. "I'll be back". Kurt said seductively. Blaine pulled his pants and boxers of and lay down on the couch.

"Are you ready for me"? Kurt said. He was wearing tight leather shorts, Hedwig style.

"Holy hell, you're Super-Mega-Foxy-Awesome-Hot". Blaine said and chuckled.

"You seriously need to stop watching A Very Potter Musical". Kurt said and straddled the younger boy. "Even though, i have to admit the boy who plays Harry is kinda hot". Kurt said and kissed Blaine eagerly. "I know right, he is like so cute". Blaine said into the kiss.

"No seriously, those shorts make me wanna.. do stuff to you". Blaine said and kissed the older mans neck. "Good thing we're all alone, all night long". Kurt said and pulled him in for a passionated kiss. 

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