Honeymoon Dinner

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"Oh my god, that was the best thing i've ever tasted." Kurt said as he put his fork down on the empty plate. "I'm offended." Blaine said and smirked. "What? No, Blaine, you can't say that here." Kurt said and giggled. He looked around to see if anyone was looking at them, but luckily the restaurant was practically empty. Only the waitstaff was around, but they were too far away to hear anything. "But to be fair, you're still delicious." Kurt said and leaned in for a kiss. 

Blaine chuckled and sipped his mai tai. "I love being your husband, Kurt Hummel-Anderson." Blaine said and raised his glass. "And i love being yours, Blaine Anderson-Hummel." Kurt said and clank their glasses together. "To two weeks of being the absolute best married couple the world has ever seen." Blaine said. "Two weeks." Kurt said and smiled brightly.

When they reached their hotel room, Blaine immidiately ripped of Kurt's white shirt, and kissed down his pale, muscular body. "Oh my god, that feels so good." Kurt moaned. Blaine continued.

Kurt woke up the next morning, smiling when he saw his husband's head resting on his chest.

They had mindblowingly great sex and afterwards they had stayed up till 5am talking and kissing. 

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