Klaine: Caught

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Kurt and Blaine stepped hand in hand into the choir room, laughing at each other's jokes.

They sat down next to Santana and Puck. They rested their foreheads against each other and kissed occasionally. "Ladies, not that its any of my business, but what's with the hickeys"? Santana said and chuckled. Kurt found a miniature mirror from his bag and let out a gasp.

"BUSTED". Puck said and laughed. "Damn it". Blaine said embarrassed. "Anderson, didn't know you were so freaking good in bed". Santana said and let out a loud whistle. Blaine chuckled embarrassed. "That's an impressive hickey, i mean if i was a guy, i would be more than happy to sleep with you, just to make you make one of those on me". Santana said. Blaine chuckled and rested his head on Kurt's shoulder. "He's all mine". Kurt said teasingly in Santana's direction.

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