Klaine: Almost Too Late

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Kurt was pinned down on the ground, with Dave trying to undress him.

He was letting out a loud cry, but Dave didn't care. "I can't breathe". Kurt said.

Dave ignored him again, and began moving his lips down south.

"Stop, i can't handle this anymore". Kurt was shaking.

"HEY, YOU HEARD HIM". Blaine's voice filled the room.

"You cannot tell me what to do". Dave said. "The hell i can". Blaine said and hit him to the ground.

Dave lay there, unconcious. "You saved me". Kurt said. "Of course i wanted to save you, you're my best friend, and i'll do anything for you". Blaine said and leaned into a kiss.

"I love you". Blaine said. "I love you too". Kurt said.

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